Many Catholic families try to say a Rosary daily during Lent. I know that was how our family started saying a daily Rosary. It was a great way to begin a good habit! But one of the hardest things to do while saying a family Rosary is keeping young children quiet and happy while you pray. I’ve tried many different ways to keep my kids interested and involved. I’ve posted a list of ideas HERE and I’ve also created Rosary Sheets and Rosary Mats. We even made a Giant Pro-Life Rosary! All were great ideas, but, as all things do, they can get old and the little ones begin to get wiggly again!
So here is another attempt to keep them happy! 🙂

I created Lacing Rosaries! These are just right to keep little ones happy, involved, and interested!

To create these you will need:

  • the download
    available for purchase HERE
  • your printer
  • stock/heavy paper
  • laminator and 4 laminating sheets
    Note: the laminating step is not necessary, but without laminate, the lacing holes will break very easily.
  • scissors
  • hole punch
  • yarn, shoestrings, thin ribbon, or other strings to use for lacing
First, print the downloads onto heavy paper. Then cut them out.
Next, use a hole punch to punch out the “Hail Mary” and “Our Father” lacing holes.
We only punched the holes on the outer edge of the circle, not the ones between the crucifix and the Mary heart-center.
Now laminate each sheet.
Next, cut them out again and hole-punch them again. Leave about 1/4 inch (or more) of laminate all the way around the outer edge of the circle. This helps to keep the laminate from peeling apart. Cutting and hole punching 2 times may seem redundant, but they seal better if you do this step before and again after the laminating. It will help them hold up longer to the lacing and unlacing.
Now they are ready to use!
These are a great Rosary if you can’t say a Rosary all the way through in one sitting – you’ll never lose your spot!! Also, it may be a good idea to lace the Rosaries in one use and unlace them the next time you use them! Save the trouble of unlacing them after each use!

It seemed to work best if the kids used one lace per decade. Attach the laces to the Our Father beads and then the child can start from there. They’ll lace with one string till they get to the next Our Father and then they can use a new string.

The PDF includes:
  1.  Joyful Mysteries
  2.  Luminous Mysteries
  3.  Sorrowful Mysteries
  4.  Glorious Mysteries
  5.  All 4 on 1 Rosary Sheet (If you don’t want to make all 4 – just make 1!)
You’ll receive all 5 pages for just $1.99!

I hope you and your little ones enjoy them!


  1. This is such an awesome idea!!! I need to buy a new single hole punch (we lost ours a few months ago) and then I am ALL OVER this! 🙂

  2. Jen,this is great.I think I would print it on different color pastel card stock.So great for little hands.Hugs,Em

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